Consulting, Contracts, & Partners
Elections Canada
Elections Canada
Report: Generation Z: Portrait of a New Generation of Young Canadians and How They Compare to Older Canadians (2019-2020, Valérie-Anne Mahéo (PI) and Éric Bélanger)
Report: The Electoral Participation of Diverse Canadian Youth in the 2015 Federal Election (2015-2016, Sara Vissers (PI) and Valérie-Anne Mahéo)
Partnerships and Consulting
Elections Quebec
Elections Quebec
Since 2014; research, information and civic education campaigns.
Reports prepared for the following projects:
La mobilisation des enfants et leur participation aux Petits bureaux de vote lors de l’élection provinciale québécoise de 2018
L’éducation à la citoyenneté dans les écoles primaires au Québec: Étude de l’impact sur l’engagement citoyen des enfants et des parents